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Music Never Tasted So Good
If you would like to request a song or you are celebrating a birthday, anniversary or other special event, you can send us your request or shoutout in a comment via Venmo @cheezwhizband ( Security Code is 1740.
While we cannot guarantee that we can play your request based on timing and personnel, we certainly appreciate your generosity and tips.
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Possible reasons why we didn't perform your request:
1. You asked for a song that we don't know.
2. We have one or more sub players with us that do not know the song you requested.
3. You asked for a song late into a set and we didn't have time to perform it or pushed it back to the next set.
4. We had several other requests ahead of you.
5. We had several other requests that tipped us generously and moved to the front of the line.
6. The song you requested is not appropriate for the venue.
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